When we connect with needs, we connect with life.

When we are connected with life, magic is inevitable.

Are you a seeker, who loves to learn and grow and expand, a person who wants to live aligned with your core values and be in service of connection within yourself and with others, experiencing sparks of wonder and awe, committed to falling in love with life over and over again…?

Do you wish to care for your dreams and make life a piece of art?

I invite you warmheartedly to join…

33 days of practice and inspiration to dive into the depth of your magic beingness!

✨ Magic  âœ¨

Magic is being fully alive and finding treasures in the mud, it is a sense of deep trust in life and oneselfMagic is an attitude that can be tuned like a fine instrument to navigate through life by riding on the current of life energy aka needs. Magic is knowing your intuition like a best companion. Magic is the fine balance between creation and surrendering. Magic is holding yourself with clarity caring for what you really want to experience and who you want to be and letting go and surrendering to the vastness of the unknown. Magic is the ability to bear the range of opposites – joy and pain, light and dark…

There is nothing you don’t have already inside – you just need to remember.

Your Guide


I'm Cori, working with Nonviolent Communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg since more than 14 years, peaceworker, facilitator of conflict transformation and restorative practices and inner process guide. I am delightedly honoured to invite you for a quest – a quest for reclaiming your magic superpowers.

I am deeply convinced that you have everything you need inside to create a life and relationships (with yourself) that you love.

✨ Who this Quest is for: ✨

Welcome to the Quest – A Quest to Unleash Your Inner Superpowers and Cultivate a Deep Connection with Yourself and Life.

Remember [your] Magic is first and foremost a quest into trust

It is also a journey of Self-Compassion and Self-Acknowledgement, inviting you daily to step into your intuitive power by listening to your unique inner wisdom.

This quest is for the curious soul who values inner awareness as a key to navigating life with greater clarity and trust

It speaks to your heart, which longs to live life at its fullest and is ready for an inner adventure through small, inspired steps

This is for the courageous soul willing to ask inspiring and sometimes uncomfortable questions, uncovering and meeting parts of yourself that help you become who you truly want to be, while fully appreciating where you are right now.

We will dive into an acknowledgement of our human beingness, learn skills for relating with ourselves and life that are based on radical self-lovetransform disconnecting habits that hinder us from embracing the beauty of life, and care for dreams and visions. 

Join those 33 days of small inspired steps. Every day you will receive inspirations and tools to implement in your daily life – every inspiration will be 5 to 15 min and you can take the practices and contemplations into your day.

What this Quest is about:

✨ 4 Modules ✨


So often we forget our embeddeness in our ancestral roots and connectedness with the whole universe. In this first modul you're remember where you come from. Practices from "The Work that Reconnects" by Joanna Macy and inspirations about essential qualitities of magic attitude guide you into the core of the quest.

Magic Skills

The core is to relate with “what is” and with life energy. You explore your skills and align with what is deeply important to you, which bring  Co-Creation Power, Transformation and allows Change and Wonder. I give you the tools to do the small stepsEvery Day

Magic Superpowers

You have inherent superpowers that help you navigate life as it is. Your superpowers connect you with your body-soul-wisdom and ask you to trust - in yourself and in life. Discovering your superpowers opens the space for the unknown. You are so much more than you allow yourself to be.

Magic Attitudes & Alignment

I invite you to become more of yourself - to own your magic.
I invite you to cultivate a posture of clarity and surrender by navigating “life as it is happening through you” instead of letting “life happen to you”. You receive practical tools and processes to integrate the posture of magic.

Life happening THROUGH You:

  • sense of ease and flow
  • resourcefulness
  • trusting one’s competencies for self-compassion
  • presence with what is in the moment
  • deep knowing, trust and experience that life is full of wonder

Life happening TO You:

  • trying to control inner states and outcomes 
  • self-doubt and “making myself small” self-talk 
  • stuck in dissatisfaction and complaint 
  • being tired of being tired 
  • living through the days in a rush and stress

Make Your Dreams Become You

Magic Spells to put on your Phone Background for every inspiration - to remember ...

✨ CoCreation with the Universe ✨

I love co-creating with the universe. And I love to do it in a way that feels profound and playful at the same time.
For me, Nonviolent Communication is exactly that: a process that offers keys that we can play with, yet it inherits profound depth and can open a vast space of opportunities. It enables us to relate to all the aliveness and craziness, the lightness and darkness of life experience in a way that makes beauty visible and change possible.

Maybe you have read about the laws of the universe? Like me, you might be sceptical about some of the publications on this topic out there. I can be quite judgmental about “manifestation guides…” and “law of attraction courses…”. I guess because I really value authenticity and depth, which means I value when things are shared from a place of experience and genuineness. For me, co-creating with the universe means looking deep inside, being gentle with all our manifold life experiences, and understanding the difference between well-being (feeling good, being healthy…) and our purpose (what we are here on this planet in this body at this time to learn). Not everything we are here for is about feeling good and being happy, instead it is much more about becoming.

Becoming who we truly are.

This requires developing a deep curiosity about who we are aka learning to love every aspect of our being – the aspects that are easy to love as much as the aspects that seem impossible to love. By becoming who we truly are, magic starts to appear at every step.

I know that Life = Messy and it is actually a relieving thought. I know that there is no perfect, always bright and shiny life. Life is not even supposed to be this way. Life is the chance to experience everything. Life is supposed to be a human experience. With light and dark. With joy and pain. With Laughter and Tears. With intensity and boredom. And everything in between… 

Remember [your] Magic is about being able to enjoy every inch of this human experience. 

You are welcomed with every inch of your human experience!

With your pain and your joy, your emptiness and your fullness and everything in between!

The journey starts as soon as you SIGN IN.
There is NO BEHIND – you can go at your own pace.
If you want to give this Quest as a gift you have an option at the checkout

to send a personal message to your chosen person 💜.



Register Now and you receive access to the Empathic Way Europe Platform and a link to download the Spaces App on you phone. You can chose what suits you more.

The lessons will be unlocked day by day in the App and you have full access on the Empathic Way Platform – you will receive daily Emails during these 33 days as a reminder to enjoy the inspiration of the day. Please feel free to dwell into the quest in your own pace, you are in your perfect timing.

You will have access at least one year.


96 EUR (VAT incl)
60 days money back guarantee and a 3 days trial phase!!!

Need even more flexibility? You can pay in a flexible 3-Payments Plan. This plan allows you to spread the cost of the course over three months, making it more affordable and accessible.

Enroll now and gain immediate access to the course benefits while managing your budget comfortably. Join us on this learning journey with a payment plan designed to suit your financial needs.

✨ Pricing Plans ✨

You have 3 days for trying out the Quest - no obligation to buy before!


Choose a flexible 3 times payment plan, where you pay 3 times 90 EUR per month. This price includes VAT.

EUR 36


What's included

  • Access to our Empathic Way Europe Learning Platform and an App on your phone, where you will find all materials, be able to connect and communicate and dive fully into this journey with ease and flow
  • 33 pre-recorded and live sessions that will guide you through the Quest
  • Everyday tools & processes to hold the space for all of you and explore your magic powers, i.e. guided inner journeys and processes, practice sheets, guidance for contemplations and more
  • Daily rememberings for you to take on your phone background
  • Magic inspirations to fill your life with wonder, connect to your inherent superpowers and care for alignment and integrity
  • Space to share your questions and insights in a dedicated Group and in the Comments
  • Bonuses for the integration of your journey.

Some Experience-Sharings


Magic Quest 2021

I would like to thank you for the wonderful work you do. I took part in your “Remember your magic” quest 2 months ago, and these videos were the daily anchor that gave me support during a difficult time.

Many elements of it now appear again and again, the meditation on day 2, the 3x3x3 gratitude ritual, grief as something beautiful about the underlying need (that came the day after the end of an intense love relationship, such a wonderful coincidence)…

I now start every day with a gratitude meditation, feel more connected and joyful with the world around me than ever before and am just amazed at how fulfilling life can be. I continue to delve deeper into Joanna Macy’s work and work to further pursue, deepen and spread these ideas in multiple areas of life. 

Thank you very much for the beautiful, authentic, inspiring, so easily accessible videos you make 🙂


Magic Quest 2021

So yesterday I decided I would choose what moved me the most at the very moment and that I could change the next day. It removed the pressure I put on myself to choose. And I chose Appreciation. And it made me cry. I was not aware it meant so much. It was the star I needed yesterday. Thank you. I love this Quest.


Magic Quest 2024

Just wanted to share how magical the feeling for me is, when I see myself as magic (smiling, laughing, dancing, good music, the sea, my beloved people around). Thank you Cori 💝 for getting started with so inspiring questions. Made my day! ✨🌸


Magic Quest 2021

Yesterday was the last day of my “magic quest” journey with you and I would like to thank you very much.

You spoke to me about so many things and named things that I didn’t yet have words for. Every sentence feels true and powerful and alive within me. And since it is currently time for me to find my way, this support was incredibly supportive.


Magic Quest 2024

I bet you created this course just for me 😉🤣, didn’t you? Even when you sent the invitation for the quest, I thought, "Yes, this is exactly for me..." And now I’m so excited every day because the inspirations fit so perfectly. I really struggled with the "choose choice" exercise; that day, I felt so much resistance because there are so many things we can’t choose. But then, in the evening, I had a realization: I *can* choose how I deal with certain things, and I finally found peace... And yesterday and today, such cool exercises… Thank you for being you, and thank you for the course... 😘❤️😘


Magic Quest 2023

More Magnificent Magic is happening in my life! On the evening of Day 1, a completely unexpected gift was offered to me worth $4,800 in real cash value plus another $1,500 in trade value. It is for a rare trip to do something unique and precious to me that I dreamed of but never saw happening. It’s happening next week!

Today on Day 3 about magic as a way to more Ease in my world, a solution came to me on how to structure some important ideas in a new course I am teaching. I sigh in awe… and gratitude.

…listening to your videos each morning and journaling and quietly self-reflecting on the questions you give us. I love that it only takes a few minutes to watch your video and I’m smiling, giggling with you in your smile and authenticity. With gratitude and listening, waiting for more and more Divine Laziness! So grateful to you and your magic for this course.


**What is the main focus of the "Remember [Your] Magic" quest?**

The main focus of this Quest is Self-Trust. By diving into practices of self-exploration, we get to know Magic as a place inside of us. Through cultivating magic consciousness we develop competencies in communication with ourselves and with life. It’s a journey into a deep space of Self-Love and Personal Power.

**How can this quest help me reconnect with my inner self and personal power?**

By taking small steps every day, your awareness will grow and you will be able to make more and more conscious choices about how you want to relate with yourself and with the world. You will get hands-on tools and processes, easy to implement into your daily life.

**What specific self-development techniques or practices are included in the quest?**

The basis of this quest are the principles and tools of Nonviolent Communication and Living Compassion. We will care for needs awareness in every step and immerse ourselves into the practices of mourning and celebration as well as tools from Dreambuilder by Mary Morrisson, Reconnection with Life by Joanna Macy, Living Brave by Brenè Brown and so much more.

**Is the quest designed to address specific life challenges common to my age group?**

This quest is designed for all age groups and requires an openness to learning and commitment to implementing small, meaningful steps. It’s particularly beneficial if you’re experiencing a life transition, seeking a reminder of your inner beauty, or longing for change and making your life more wonderful. Cori will provide gentle guidance to help you connect with your unique power. Dive into your own journey with this quest and be open to receiving exactly what you need.

**How long is the "Remember [Your] Magic" quest, and what is the time commitment required?**

33 days and between 5 and 10 minutes per day is required for the inspiration-video. The practices might also take 10 minutes or can be just taken into your day as contemplation practice. There is no being behind in this quest – if you miss some days, just follow your own pace. You are exactly where you are supposed to be and welcome in this space anytime. The quest will stay on the platform until we announce it differently.

**What kind of support or community is available to participants during the quest?**

It’s your unique journey. The practices are made to support you in your self-empowerment. Anyway, Cori is there to receive questions and there is a community space in the app, where direct exchange is possible. It is your quest and Cori is there to support you on the way.

**Are there any prerequisites or prior experience needed to join the quest?**

Your prerequisite is your openness to learn and unlearn. Being familiar with Nonviolent Communication is of advantage, but not a must. This quest can deepen your understanding of communication with life on different experiences.

**How is the content delivered (e.g., online, in-person, through an app)?**

You have 2 options to enjoy your journey:

  • either via the learning platform of Empathic Way Europe, where you can find the Quest alongside all your other programs and courses that you have purchased already
  • and/or via a specifically created App on your phone, where you have access to the Quest only

Anyway the quest is delivered in daily small steps – with a video-inspiration and a practice/contemplation for the day.

**Can I tailor the quest to fit my personal goals and needs?**

The intention is that you learn skills that will accompany you on your very own journey with your very personal challenges and desires. You will explore and gain clarity about your inner aliveness and what it takes so that you can live the relationships and life that you really want. Ultimately, “Remember [Your] Magic” is there to support your trust in your own capabilities while remaining open to the serendipities of life, creating a dynamic equilibrium that enhances personal growth and well-being.

**What kind of results or transformations can I expect from completing the quest?**

  • more ease – less heaviness,
  • more clarity – less confusion,
  • more aliveness – less tiredness and exhaustion,
  • a sense of connection with yourself and the whole – less disconnection,
  • open-heartedness – less closeness,
  • a curious and inspired state of being – less fearful stressed state of being,
  • readiness to step into the unknown – less restraint
  • a profound feeling of trust in yourself and in life – less self-judgment and insecurity
  • resilience in challenging times – less draining anxiety
  • magical experiences throughout your daily experiences (opportunities that show up, loving encounters, health increase)
  • About Me.

    Awareness and Self-Empathy Trainer (with NVC and Living Compassion), Restorative Practices Facilitator, Guide for Individual & Couples Soul Journeys, Peace- and Conflict researcher, Cultural- and Social Anthropologist, former Musician, “Magic Mentor” (that’s not her own words), Depth lover, enjoying the gifts and challenges of motherhood with 2 boys (11 and 15), on the quest of Online-Entrepreneurship since 2016, divorced in 2018 after 16 years of togetherness by staying in open-hearted connection, appreciation and respect, accepted the life-invitation to go to Nepal as peace advisor in 2019/2020, living her dream of living and working location-independent (having 2 homes in a magic house in Austria and the powerful nature of the South of France), in a deeply inspiring relationship that supports being on a constant Souljourney, in the team of Empathic Way Europe since 2019 and so much more. NVC for her is peacework, knowledge and wisdom combined, a language of all senses, consciousness-training. It is a tool for her to stay on her path, be open to the challenges of life and be present in every encounter she experiences.

    For Your Soul. 


    I am so much looking forward to embarking in this journey together 

     and sharing treasures of self-connection, body, mind and soul caring practices with you.


    Wolfsgraben (AT) & Grasse (FR)

    +43 650 512 88 07



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