Inner Conflict Care

Clarity through Conflict – Embrace All of You

✨ Welcome. 

Oh what a delight, that you've landed here! 

Thanks so much for your curiosity and openness to receive this gift - and for taking the time to care for the wholeness of your inner world. This work is powerful. When we take care of our inner conflicts compassionately, we cultivate a deep sense of clarity, alignment and emotional maturity. This allows us to communicate with less reacitvity and more authenticity, both with ourselves and others. Through this work we break cycles of shame, avoidance, and disconnection - creating a ripple effect of magic and newness

Through my conversations with many of you, I’ve heard the deep longing for clarity, the desire to truly know what you want, and the yearning for inner peace while honoring your boundaries. I am here to provide tools, insights and processes to support you on your unique path.

Conflict Quote

Inner Conflicts are part of the journey, they are a sign for change. When parts of you pulling in different directions, identities you reject or struggle to accept, and patterns that keep you from feeling fully at home within yourself, take this Guided Inner Conflict Process as an invitation to:

✨ Identify the identities and beliefs about yourself you embrace and those you resist
✨ Be compassionately honest with yourself
✨ Welcome all parts of you—even the ones you wish weren’t there
Find new spaces emerge out of this meeting of your inner parts

This process is my gift to you. Download it below and let it guide you toward deeper self-connection.

Want to Go Deeper?

If you’d love to receive more insights, personal reflections, and guidance on 

Nonviolent Communication,

Living Compassion,

Active Hope,

and standing in your truth,

leave your email.

You’ll also receive a special invitation to Remember [your] Magic:

A 33-day journey with principles to help you reconnect with your essence, divine life energy, and alignment.

Choose your Path:

Option 1.

[Sign In, Get the Process in your Mailbox + Exclusive Guidance] (Includes personal letters & your invitation to Remember [your] Magic)

(I respect your space—unsubscribe anytime!)

Option 2.

[Download the Inner Conflict Process on this Page below] (Free, no email required)

Yes, Sign Me In & send the Process to my Inbox

Download your practice here


About Cori

Awareness and Self-Empathy Trainer (with NVC and Living Compassion), Restorative Practices Facilitator, Guide for Individual & Couples Soul Journeys, “Magic Mentor” (that’s how people she works with call her), Depth lover, enjoying the gifts and challenges of motherhood with 2 boys (11 and 15), on the quest of Online-Entrepreneurship creating a soulful, generous, and sustainable business since 2016, divorced in 2018 after 16 years of togetherness by staying in loving connection, appreciation and respect, working as international peace advisor in 2019/2020, living her dream of living and working location-independent (having 2 homes in a magic house in Austria and the powerful nature of the South of France), in a deeply inspiring relationship that supports being on a constant Souljourney, in the team of Empathic Way Europe since 2019 and so much more. NVC for her is peacework, knowledge and wisdom combined, a language of all senses, consciousness-training. It is a tool for her to stay on her path, be open to the challenges of life and be present in every encounter she experiences.

 Bring Me to the Magic Quest: Remember [your] Magic

For Your Soul. 


 Thanks so much for your curiousity and openness. 

 I love sharing treasures of self-connection, body, mind and soul caring practices with you. 


Röhrenbach (AT) & Grasse (FR)

+43 650 512 88 07
